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How to Handle Behavioural Questions In Your Next Tax Interview

  So you've got your next tax interview in the bag.    But now you're looking at the interview, and notice the behavioural component. You're pretty sure you can ace that section, but it'd ...

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How to ask for a payrise in the age of Covid and actually get one

  It’s in 2021. Things may still look dicey for the world, but the market is improving rapidly in the world of tax accountancy. There’s no doubt that last year, your world shifted quite signi...

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How to stop procrastinating and double your productivity at work.

  The report that usually took you half an hour now ends up taking two. Even though you’re working at home, you find that you get less done than before - you’re stopping to put the washing on...

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How to get promoted in the age of Zoom and home working

  In 2020, we heard the well-repeated phrases ‘you’re on mute!’ and ‘you’re frozen!’ multiple times, through the numerous hours we all spent on Zoom. Forced with this new way of working, ma...

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